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Charlie Brown’s War
Charles M. Schulz found out firsthand what it was like to fight in a war. His melancholy cartoon boy and friends never forgot. By Melissa Amateis Marsh
Shark Hunt
U-boats preyed at will on helpless ships. Then the Allies started hunting them. The Battle of the Atlantic was on–six years of it. By Brian John Murphy
Web Extra: From Our Articles Archive
Sharks in American Waters
It wasn’t the US Navy or Coast Guard that controlled America’s Atlantic waters in early 1942. It was the U-boats of Nazi Germany.
Fire from the Mountain
GIs knew they would face fiery opposition when they invaded Italy. They had no idea that would include an erupting Mount Vesuvius. By David A. Norris
Ghost Blimp
It was odd enough for a US Navy dirigible to crash down in a California coastal town. But where was the crew? The question remains unanswered. By Chuck Lyons
Web Extra: Footage
Bomber Blimps
US Navy footage shows blimps taking off to fly a patrol for enemy submarines along the California coast.
Kilroy Was Here
A note from our publisher: “It’s Always There”
Letters from our readers
Home Front
FDR’s Soggy Spinach
Marie McDonald
Print ads from the war years
I Was There
Hillbilly Fighter Mechanic
Jersey’s Airport Built for War
Web Extra: Link
Website of the Millville Army Airfield Museum
War Stories
Readers’ memories of the war
Books and Media
Our take on the latest releases
Theater of War
The Great Escape
Web Extra: Footage
The Great Escape Original Trailer
78 RPM
‘Happy Holiday’
Web Extra: Footage
‘Happy Holiday’
Bing Crosby and Marjorie Reynolds (lip-synching to a vocal track by Martha Mears) sing the theme song for 1942’s Irving Berlin movie musical Holiday Inn. Here’s the soundtrack.
WWII Events
A calendar of present-day happenings
Two Purple Hearts