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Crawling onto Bougainville
Smashed ashore by waves, US marines and gutsy Seabees edged into a miserable jungle full of enemies. Axis Japan would pay for their trouble. By Eric Ethier
V-mail: The GI’s lifeline
Fast, inexpensive V-mail made it relatively easy to keep American men and women serving overseas connected to home. By David A. Norris.
Chesapeake Bay D-day
US troops and tanks splashed ashore to invade not France, not Africa, but Maryland in massive practice landings for the real D-days. By Joe Razes
Kids in uniform
Some lucky kids on the home front found snappy, authentic-looking play uniforms under the Christmas tree–in just their size!
Vinegar Joe versus everybody else
General Joseph Stilwell was a soldier, not a diplomat. In his China-Burma-India theater, he called a fool a fool–and that was his undoing. By Richard Sassaman
To top it off,visit the home of Wisconsin’s surprising WWII freshwater submarines!