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Later on Leyte
Douglas MacArthur’s promised return to the Philippines was going well—except that Japanese reinforcements kept pouring in. The 77th Infantry Division landed near Ormoc to fix that. By Edward G. Miller
Dawn of the Night Fighters
Flying in the dark was treacherous under the best of conditions. Then came radar to turn American Black Widows into fierce nocturnal hunters. By Drew Ames
Black and White and Scarlet
Dickey Chapelle wanted to photograph US medics in action. She found plenty of opportunities in the bloody battles of Iwo Jima and Okinawa. By John Garofalo
Uncle Sam’s Nazi Reform Schools
Peppering POWs with propaganda violated the 1929 Geneva Convention. But the War Department found a loophole for its Democracy 101 classes. By Melissa Amateis Marsh
A Note from Our Editor
Letters from Our Readers
Home Front
Mr. Mail-Order Muscles
Claire Trevor
The US Army Women’s Museum
Visit the US Army Women’s Museum website
I Was There
“Flying Sideways”
War Stories
Memories from the War Years
Books and Media
Our Latest Reviews
Theater of War
Red Tails
78 RPM
WWII Events
A Calendar of Present-Day Happenings
“Son, Ask for the Engineers”