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Taking the X on Iwo
X-shaped Airfield No. 2 was the prize that brought US Marines to rocky Iwo Jima. But it was a prize well guarded, and winning it would cost blood. By Eric Ethier
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Iwo Jima Snapshots
Clearing ash-coated Iwo Jima of its grim Japanese defenders was a grind unlike anything US marines had ever experienced before.
Dad Flew
with Doolittle
70 years ago, Colonel Jimmy Doolittle and his 79 men flew a daredevel first raid on Japan. Today, children of the raiders share stories their fathers told. By Susan Zimmerman
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The impossible raid
Just when Axis Japan felt invincible, Lieutenant Colonel James Doolittle hit Tokyo with a daring bomber raid that shattered Hirohito’s peace of mind. By Richard Sassaman
Mountain Men
World-class skiers take up rifles and train to battle Nazis in Europe’s snowy heights with the 10th Mountain Division. By Joe Razes
Government Girl
A wartime Nebrarka teen remembers moving to Washington, DC, living in cramped dorms, working long hours typing for the FBI, and dating the occasional fresh GI. By Melissa Amateis Marsh
Web Extra: Gallery
Secretaries of War
Thousands of women spent the early 1940s working in government offices in Washington, DC, getting vital information into the right hands to keep the war machine running.
Kilroy Was Here
A note from our editor: "Pondering Pants"
Letters from our readers
Home Front
Who Wears the Pants?
Maria Montez
I Was There
The Boy Learns to Fly B-17s
Texas’s Surprising Pacific War Museum
The National Museum of the Pacific War
Readers’ memories of the war
Print ads from the war years
Books and Media
Our take on the latest releases
Theater of War
Kelly’s Heroes
Web Extra: Footage
Official 1970 Movie Trailer
78 RPM
Dinah Shore
WWII Events
A calendar of present-day happenings
Down on the Tank Farm