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The battling bastards of Bataan
They were starving, sick. Many were untrained. Their weapons were obsolete. And their top general lived elsewhere. Bataan’s defenders were truly on their own. By Richard SassamanFull story
March through Hell
Sixty-five years later, the cruelty inflicted on the helpless US and Filipino POWs during the Bataan Death March remains as shocking as ever. By Brian John Murphy
Guarding the home skies
When the Army Air Corps flew off to war, the civilian volunteers of the Civil Air Patrol filled the void left behind–even driving Nazi subs from US coasts. By Drew Ames. Full story
All aboard!
The whole country seemed to squeeze onto trains during the war, making railroads a rolling snapshot of wartime America. By Tom Huntington
Cloak and dagger army: The OSS
Spies and saboteurs, rakes and femmes fatales, scientists and radicals: they all fought for Allied victory under the Office of Strategic Services. By John Stanchak. Full story
To top it off, visit the new National Museum of the Marine Corps, read more diary entries from a gritty medical unit rolling toward Germany, and check out the couples on the dance floor doing the jitterbug.